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Lost weekend

I had to drag myself to the gym tonight. I was feeling fed up because our grand plan to paddle the (non-tidal) river section of the DW course over the weekend fell through and I have had an especially tiring week at work. All I wanted to do was to sit down in front of the TV with a pizza and a beer. Now, after a weights session and 10 minutes/2,264m on the rowing machine, I feel reenergised.

Matt and I were going to head off to Reading first thing Saturday morning and paddle 27 miles to Windsor, stay in a posh riverside hotel and cover the remaining 26 miles to Teddington on Sunday. This morning Matt rang to say that the tendonitis in his wrist, which has been afflicting him sincce Waterside C last Sunday, was too bad and that he could not paddle.

Since I have no one to paddle with I will have to do some running and cycling over the weekend instead.


Trying to get in touch re. DW.
Pls contact if you get this either on above address of jill_priday@hotmail.com.

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