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Swim 1,000 m

I used to swim competitively years ago in school and it has always been an exercise routine that I can slip back into quite easily so, as I could not paddle on holiday, I figured swimming was the next best thing (and might even be preferable to paddling on a cold canal).

Kidney shaped pools at the Princesa Yaiza hotel

Our hotel had several very attractive kidney shaped pools which are normally awkward for swimming lengths, happily, one of them had a couple of straight edges at opposite ends about 20 m apart, making swimming up and down much easier.

Also, as the water was too cold for most of the other holidaymakers, who were merely lounging in the sun by the edge, I was the only person swimming and had no one to get in my way (normally a big problem in the gym at home or in UK public pools).

  • 280 m warm up
  • 3 x 120 m
  • 360 m